Category Archives: News

News of Graduate Program of University of Islam Malang (UNISMA)

OSHIKA 2021/2022 Officially Closed by the Rector of UNISMA

At noon yesterday, the rector of Universitas Islam Malang (Unisma), Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si., officially closed the 2021/2022 New Student Orientation Program which was held offline at the UnismaRound Building. One of the members of the Indonesian People’s Representative, Dr. H. Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar. M.Si.,  also attended this event. At this time, the rector […]

Unisma Has Held the 2021 New Student Orientation Program

orientasi studi untuk mahasiswa baru (oshika maba) tahun 2021

Yesterday (6/9), the Unisma has held an open senate meeting to discuss the 2021 New Student Orientation for Study and Campus Life. Activities like these are always routinely carried out every year during the new student admissions period. This time, New Student Orientation Program was held offline at the Unisma Round Building while still implementing […]

Masters in Animal Husbandry Strengthens Strategic Relationship with Singosari Center for Artificial Insemination

Unisma has long established a strategic relationship with the Singosari Center for Artificial Insemination (SCAI). 25 SCAI  employees are currently active students at UNISMA, and also there are big numbers of alumni of  Unisma working  at SCAI. In order to strengthen this strategic relationship, the Masters in Animal Husbandry of Unisma altogether with lecturers and […]

Unisma Granted an Award to the Late KH. Amirul Mu’minin

Malang, August 12, 2021, the Unisma through the graduate program has granted an award to KH. Amirul Muminin (the late), for his dedication in the world of education. KH. Amirul Muminin was a 2018 student of doctoral program  in the Multicultural Islamic Education  in Unisma and he was about to get a doctorate promotion, but […]

Ahead of the Indonesia’s Independence Day, the Doctoral Program in  Multicultural Islamic Education of Unisma has Promoted 3 Doctorates

Towards the commemoration of the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, the Multicultural Islamic Education Doctoral Program promoted 3 doctors. The Doctoral Promotion was held two times on August 6 and 11, 2021. Doctoral promotion is the final examination process that doctoral students accomplish to obtain a doctorate degree. The examination process is […]

The Masters in Animal Husbandry Program Synergizes with Animal Husbandry Faculty Alumni

The Masters in Animal Husbandry conducted Webinars and Alumni Gatherings in order to coordinate synergy with alumni of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry. The agenda was carried out through a Zoom Meeting on August 5, 2021. The rector of Unisma, Prof. M. Maskuri, M.Si, explained the potential map of the alumni of the Unisma in […]