The Doctoral Program of Multicultural Islamic Education holds an open dissertation examination with strict health protocols. All participants who take the open exam wear masks, keep their distance and are always ready to use hand sanitizer in the room.
The examination which was held on Friday, July 2nd, 2021, can also be followed through the Youtube channel of “Pascasarjana Unisma”. The committee limits the number of participants who take part offline to reduce the risk of the exposure to COVID-19 which has recently soared.
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The implementation of this strict procedure is reflected in each session of the examinations. In the first session, the examinee, Achmad Anwar Abidin, M.Pd.I. was only attended by 3 people and some of their classmates and 2 children.
Achmad Anwar Abidin, M.Pd.I, presents the results of a research entitled “Instilling the Values of Multicultural Islamic Education in Strengthening the Tolerant Behavior of the Ngepeh, Rejoagung Ngoro Jombang Community”.
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The second session of the doctoral exam also implemented physical distancing, which was only visited by family and a few relatives.
Khoirul Anwar presents his research on the values of Multicultural Islamic Education in Catholic schools that have students from various religious backgrounds. This dissertation is entitled “The Implementation of Multicultural Islamic Education Values (Multisite Study on the Learning Process of Islamic Religious Education at elementary school Pelita Hati Jember and Christian elementary school Santo Yusuf Sukoreno”.
The application of strict health protocols does not reduce the essence of the doctoral exam itself. Achmad Anwar Abidin and Khoirul Anwar are declared to graduate with honors. Both of them can officially use the doctorate degree after the Judicium has been carried out.