Upgrade Your Skills

Masters in administrative sciences enhances your skills in the fields of research and governance


Master in
Administrative Science

The Administrative Science Program was established in order to meet the need for human resources who have competence and competitiveness in the field of Administrative Sciences that are oriented to Science and technology as well as socio-cultural developments.



Qualified graduates in the field of Administrative Sciences based on the teachings of Islam Ahlussunnah Waljamaah.


Graduates are able to discover, develop and disseminate administrative knowledge through research, writing and scientific publications.


Having the ability to collaborate and strong dedication to the advancement of society.


Having the ability to manage information and communication systems in the field of online-based administration. 

Leaders and Staff

The chair and staff of the Study Program will help you during the study

The Chair of Study Program 

Dr. Slamet Muchsin, M.Si

Staff of Study Program

Atika Diah Putri Irmansari, S.Pd

Our Activities

“Perkuliahan dilaksanakan tepat waktu, para dosennya disiplin penuh dedikasi dalam mengajar, dan akrab dengan para mahasiswanya”

–  Ahmad Jazuli, S.Kom, Student of Master in Administrative Sciences UNISMA, State of Civil Apparatus at Ministry of Religion Office at Batu City, East Java. –

“We are Unisma Alumni”

–  Dra Nurul Azizah MM, Sekda Bojonegoro

“I am very delightful studying in Master of Administrative Science Islamic University of Malang. I am very happy to meet a lot of friends, also competitive and professional lecturers, so can support me working to be website manager today. “

–  Novan Fahrudin A W, S.AP, Student of Master in Administrative Science –


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