Quality prioritizing
The graduate programs of Unisma guarantees its quality in education. Quality assurance is built on the distinction of excellence
The graduate programs of Unisma guarantees its quality in education. Quality assurance is built on the distinction of excellence
The distinction of excellence is the characteristics as well as the advantages offered byeach study program within the Unisma environment to meet various challenges in the current era.
The graduates of this program
could be an Islamic educational institution developer who has excellent Competence as conceptors, designers, and model developers of multicultural Islamic religion education institutions that are beneficial for creating peace in society
The graduates of this program could be a multicultural-based Islamic educators who have excellent competence in designing multicultural-based Islamic Religion education curriculum and mediator for conflict resolution for educational communities.
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The graduates of this program will have excellent competencein the development of multimedia-based Indonesian language education learning media and Indonesian characters.
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The graduates of this program could becompetent consultants and developers of ICT-based English learning materials and media.
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Mastery in
Legal Dispute Settlement by Litigation and Non Litigation by Islamic Moral and Law
The graduates of this program will have good competence in an adaptable local livestock technology
Download DistinctionThe graduates of this program will have management skills of change in anorganizational management systems and practices.
Download DistinctionThe graduates of this program could be an expert of Sakinah (harmonious) family through non litigation
The graduates of this program could be a public and business bureaucratic apparatus in an accountable and professional governance of E-based government organizations
Download DistinctionAdvance as Educator and
non educator human resource in Mathematics who is professional and good islamic morality based on Islam Ahlus Sunnah Waljamaah