Today, Saturday, March 6, 2021, the Master of Management equips students with strategic planning skills. The agenda entitled “Guest Lecture & Workshop on Designing of Strategic” was held in the East Java Postgraduate Study Center Room, Islamic University of Malang. This guest lecture presented the Chairman of Malang Consulting Group, Sugeng Waluyo, MM., CWM. This activity was attended by all students and alumni of the Master of Management online and offline.
Before the presentation from the Chairman of Malang Consulting Group, the Postgraduate Director, Prof. M. Mas’ud Said, PhD gave a speech. In his remarks, the Professor of Government Science mentioned the reason why he invited Mr. Sugeng Waluyo.
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Beliau menyampaikan harus ada percepatan dan efisiensi efisiensi penggunaan sumberdaya apa saja. misal sumberdaya keuangan, Sumber daya manusia, dan sumber daya teknologi sebagai satu unsur dari perencanaan strategis. Percayalah apa yang kita lakukan ini adalah bagian dari percepatan quantum lead dari apa yang mestinya kita lakukan 10 tahun harus kita perpendek menjadi 5 tahun kalau perlu menjadi 3 tahun.
Sugeng Waluyo delivered a material entitled setting goals and business planning. This material aims to understand the benefits of setting goals and business planning, making SMART targets (SWOT, PEST, STEER) and being able to make business goals by planning.
At the beginning of the delivery, the Chairman of Malang Consulting Group stated the understanding of setting goals. Setting Goals is the process of setting and goal goals. A goal is an object of action. Management of setting goals or objectives to achieve successful performance.
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Then continued the practice of making Business Goals. It begins with the step of making a written statement of the purpose of the business, visualize business objectives, and the latter makes a forecast of future earnings. (RED/AL/PPS)