Towards the commemoration of the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, the Multicultural Islamic Education Doctoral Program promoted 3 doctors. The Doctoral Promotion was held two times on August 6 and 11, 2021.
Doctoral promotion is the final examination process that doctoral students accomplish to obtain a doctorate degree. The examination process is carried out openly to the public, so that the public can recognize the academic capabilities of the doctoral candidate.
Promovendus Afandi, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I defended his dissertation entitled “Cultivating Hubbul Wathon Character through Integration of Multicultural Islamic Education Values in Islamic Boarding School-based Wisdom; A Study at MA Nurul Huda Pekandangan, Sumenep and Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Pamekasan”.
Meanwhile, Promovendus Firmansyah, M.A. presented his research entitled “Realizing Moderate Values of Islamic Education Through Multicultural School Culture (ethnographic studies at Sultan Iskandar Muda High School Medan City)”.
Meanwhile, on August 11, Ahmad Hanif Fahruddin, M.A. defended his dissertation entitled “Internalization of Multicultural Islamic Education Values in Families, Communities and Schools in Realizing Harmony in the Balun Turi Lamongan Community”.
M. Hanif Fahruddin, took a group photo after the open exam for the Multicultural Islamic Education doctoral program. Students studying in the Multicultural Islamic Education Doctoral Program are lecturers at their respective educational institutions. Promovendus Afandi is a lecturer of STIT Al Ibrohimy, Galis, Bangkalan, Firmansyah, M.A. is a lecturer from STIT Al Hikmah, Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra, and Ahmad Hanif Fahruddin, M.A. is a lecturer in Islamic Religion Education at Universitas Islam Lamongan.
These 3 new doctors from the Doctoral Program of Multicultural Islamic Education received an A grade and graduated with honors. Hopefully, the increasing number of doctors in Indonesia will be able to lead the Republic of Indonesia towards independent characters. (AL/PPS)