New student orientation was began today, September 30, 2020. The first day activities included the opening and introduction to the profile of Unisma.
New student orientation was attended by all new Unisma students at all levels, both undergraduate, master, and doctoral levels. The introduction to this campus was held online through video teleconference and YouTube live streaming and offline for several students as representatives.
This agenda was guided by Dr. Imam Wahyudi Karimullah, MA, head of Unisma’s International Affairs Office, and presented the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makariem, the former CEO of Gojek who advised new students to stay enthusiastic in learning in the midst of the pandemic.
Beside Nadiem, other figure who attended the campus orientation this time was Dr. Ahmad Basarah, vice chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly. Basarah was the speaker in the session about insight on nationalism.
New Students of the Unisma graduate program were listening to the Director’s speech
For the graduate program, new students got material on “Profile of the Graduate Program”. This material was directly provided by the director of the graduate program, Prof. M. Mas’ud Said, Ph.D and vice director I, Dr. Nur Fajar Arief. This first day of graduate program orientation exclusively used video teleconferencing.
Mas’ud Said, the Professor in Administrative Sciences, greeted student representatives from several regions starting from Sumatra to Sulawesi. “Zoom brings those who are far away,” he joked.
The orientation was planned to be held for three days, starting today until October 2, 2020. Keep fighting of Unisma new students!