Masters Degree in Islamic Religious Education and Islamic Family Law Held Consecutive Exams

Master’s Degree in Islamic Education and Islamic Family Law held consecutive exams on Friday (08/1/2021). From the consecutive exams, two of them are currently taking the proposal exam and five of them defend the results of their thesis writing.

These consecutive exams were carried out in 2 different rooms: the exam room and the multicultural Islamic study center room. The examiners take turns examining students.

The two students currently taking the proposal exam were Supriyono and Siti Karimatus Sholihah. Supriyono raised the issue “Cultivation Tolerance Values through Islamic Education in Students at Al-Ma’rif  Singosari Islamic High School Malang”. Supriyono was examined  by Prof. Dr. Maskuri, M.Si and Drs. Anwar Sa’dullah, M.Pd.I.

Meanwhile, Siti Karimatus Sholihah raised the issue “Integration of the Early Madrasah Education System and Formal Education; A Case Study at the Raudlatul Ulum Arrahmaniyah Islamic Boarding School Pramian Taman Sreseh Sampang”. The exams were conducted consecutively after Supriyono. This qualitative research was examined by Prof. Djunaidi Ghony and Dr. M. Afifullah, M.Pd.

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Four  out of 7 are students of Masters in  Islamic Education who defend their Masters’ theses. They are  Atik Ushoghiroh, Navila El Kamila Ali, Ramelan, and Junaidi. Atik’s thesis entitles “Implementation of Nature-Based Spiritual Character Education at Vocational High School Alam, Pujon District, Malang Regency”. She was examined by Dr. Rosichin Mansur, S.Fil, M.Pd., Dr. Fita Mustafida, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si.

Meanwhile, Navila defended her thesis entitled “Internalization of Tolerance Values ​​for Islamic Education Subjects at SMA Selamat Pagi Indonesia in Batu City” examined by Dr. Rosichin Mansur, S.Fil, M.Pd., Dr. Syamsu Madyan, Lc., MA., and Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si.

The 3rd thesis examinee  was Ramelan. The exam took place after Navila. The examiners are  Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si., Dr. Hj. Chalimatus Sadiyah, M.Pd.I., and Dr. H. M. Hanief, M.Pd.

Each thesis examination was carried out in 60 minutes.

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Meanwhile, the students of Masters in Islamic Family Law who defended their Master’s thesis were  Agus Tiawan examined by  Dr. H. Moh. Muhibbin, SH., M. Hum., Khoirul Asyifak, S. Ag., M. HI., Dr. H. Abdul Wahid, S.H., M.Ag. His research was on  “Forced Marriage Due to Adultery by Village Apparatus viewed from  Islamic Law and Positive Law Perspectives; A Study in Nagan Raya District, Aceh Province”. The exam starts at 10.30 to 11.30. (AL/PPS)