The First Time in Indonesia, Wearing Sarong in Dissertation Defense

The first time in Indonesia, the examinees wear sarong during the dissertation exam. The exam was held coincided with the commemoration of Santri Day which was held at Unisma. Prof. Imam Suprayogo admitted that during his 50 years of experience, this is the first time that the examinees wear sarong in dissertation exam.

The commemoration of Santri Day is carried out with various agenda, one of them is wearing sarong for the entire academic staff. This lasts for 3 days from 22 to 24 October.

This agenda was also carried out during the promotion of the Doctor in  Multicultural Islamic Education for Zainal Anshori and Muhammad Tang on October 23, 2020 at 12.30 and 15.00.

Zainal Ansari, Academician of IAIN (State Islamic Institute) Jember

First exam promotes Zainal Anshari, a lecturer at IAIN Jember. Anshari defended his dissertation with the title “Building Multicultural Awareness in Islamic Religious Education Learning (Multisite Studies at high school Muhammadiyah 3 and St Paul’s Catholic High School, Jember)”

The examiners asked questions related to the research conducted by promovendus. The chair of board of examiners is Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si and the members are Prof. Imam Suprayogo, Prof. Abdul Haris, M.Ag., Prof. Yaqub Cikusin, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Djunaidi Ghony, M.A., and Prof. Junaidi, M.Pd., Ph.D. The chairman is also assisted by a secretary, Prof. M. Mas’ud Said, MM., Ph.D

Prof. Imam had a dialogue with promovendus to deepen the essence of Islamic education and multiculturalism. Prof. Abdul Haris asked about the considerations in choosing a title, a school, etc. Prof. Yaqub explores the data mining process by the researcher. Prof Mas’ud regretted the lack of depth analysis. While Prof. Maskuri tested how deep the researcher masters the qualitative research methodology.

Muhammad Tang, The Great  from the East

The second dissertation exam is Muhammad Tang’s, a lecturer and vice chairman of academic and institutional affairs at STAI Al-Furqan Makassar. Muhammad Tang wears a typical Bugis sarong equipped with a skullcap and a dagger. Promovendus defended the research entitled “Multicultural Islamic Education and Sipakatau Culture”. This research is based on social change in Barang Soppeng, South Sulawesi.

There are 3 interesting findings in this study. First, the value of multicultural Islamic education in the Sipakatau culture is relevant to the goals and principles of Islamic education. These values ​​adapt to the era, and remain well-actualized in the community. The second finding shows that the Sipakatau cultural change occurred in 4 stages. Namely assiamereng (adaptation), napaddupai akkatana ‘(goal), napassidiwi (integration), and ripiliharai (latency).

Muhammad Tang took a photo with the board of examiners accompanied by his wife and head of STAI Al-Furqan

The third finding identified that Sipakatau’s cultural values ​​and patterns of change resulted in the concept of a multicultural Islamic education model. This concept is based on the Sipakatau culture which creates a society “humanizing human” or humanism.

Both doctoral exams are carried out offline at Usman bin Affan building on 7th floor and online via the Unisma graduate youtube live streaming. Both promovendus earned  A. Congratulations Doctor Anshori and Doctor Tang, hopefully the knowledge gained will be useful for their educational institutions! (Nad/Al/PPS)