Students’ Articles of Masters in Animal Husbandry  Were Published Science and Technology Index (SINTA) 3

Two graduates of the Masters in  Animal Husbandry  of Unisma successfully  publish their articles in Science and Technology Index (SINTA) 3. The two graduates are Ahmad Sahlan Ali and Gusfarisa Rafika Putri..

The article entitled ” Stress Profile in Ettawah Crossbreeding Goats After Giving Birth” by Sahlan was published in Sain Peternakan Indonesia journal. Meanwhile, “Identification of Total Protein and Protein Fraction of Ettawah Crossbreeding Goats with Twins and Singles” by Gusfarisa was published by  Ternak Tropika journal.

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Sahlan’s research showed that the stress profile of post single birth goats was lower than that of twins. This is based on physiological conditions (rectal temperature, pulse and respiration) and the number of blood components which include leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes.

The physiological condition of goats after giving single-birth is closer to normal than that of twin-birth. The average temperature of single-birth reached 41.1 C, while the average temperature of twin-birth was 43.17 C. Likewise, respiration and pulse rate were higher than single-birth.

Meanwhile, blood components data were obtained that leukocytes and neutrophils in twins were larger than single-born goats. High leukocytes and neutrophils are due to stress-induced cortisol release in goats. While the number of lymphocytes was in the normal range, although it was close to the lowest point.

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Gusfarisa’s article was also published in Science and Technology Index (SINTA) 3. The research is on the amount of protein and protein factions in single and twin crossbreed goats.

The research findings  showed that the total protein of the parent group of goats with twins-birth was significantly different (P<0,05), 31,68% higher than the group of single-birth goats.

The albumin faction in goats with twins-birth was significantly different, 21.43% higher than the single-birth. Meanwhile, the globulin levels of mother goats with twins were significantly higher, 26.89% compared to single calf.

The total protein and protein fraction (albumin and globulin) were higher in the mother of twins, which can help maximize the development of the lamb. The implication is that the feeding of mothers with twins needs to be increased by at least 32% since the beginning of pregnancy.

For the  information, SINTA includes measuring the performance of Science and Technology (IPTEK), namely the performance of researchers, journals, science and technology institutions, and journal writers. In addition, SINTA is an international index tool for journal archives, books, articles, and other scientific works. (AL/NAD/PPS)