Masters in English Education examines 17 Students 

Masters in English Education examines 17 students. The examination was held from Monday, November 23 to Wednesday, November 25, 2020.

The first exam on Monday was attended by 9 students. They are Wildha Rosidah, Kustini, Jamik Alfiansyah, Mardiansyah, Ajeng Frilyn Yolantika, Anita Tri Wahyuningsih, Mahfud, Muliati, and Kharisma Karunia Ilahi.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Faaris, Fajar Shodik, Alfin Dwi Cahyono, Rizki Trisdianti, Etty Pujawanti, Sang Diah Putri Maulana, Moch. Wahyudi Utomo, and Puji Endah Hastuti, attended the second day exam. All exams were conducted online using video teleconferencing.

Dr. Dzul Fikri, M.Pd, Prof. Utami Widiati, Ph.D, Dr. Imam Wahyudi, MA, Prof. Djunaidi Mistar, Ph.D, Dr. Alfan Zuhairi, M.Pd, Dr. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd,Dr. Dwi Fita Heriyawati, M.Pd, Siti Rohani, Ph.D, and Dr. Nur Salam, M.Pd, took turns as the board of examiner took turns in the students’ exam at the first and second sessions. (Nad/Al/PPS)