KH Afifuddin Muhajir; Pancasila Is Not an Obstacle to Sharia

KH. Afifuddin Muhajir, M.Ag officially received an honorary doctorate from the Sharia Faculty, UIN (State Islamic University) Walisongo Semarang. One important point is that Pancasila is not a Sharia obstacle. The points are listed in an academic text entitled “The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in Shari’a Levels”.

The senate hearing was held on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. It was also  attended by rector and professors, guests from Islamic boarding school Salafiyah Syafi’iyah KH. Azaim Ibrahimi, Gus Taj Jasin, Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion, Representatives of Higher Education and Chairman of Tanfidz, Rois Syuriah, head of the Central Java Region of  Nahdlatul Ulama.

On that agenda, the graduate program director, Prof. M. Mas’ud Said, MM., Ph.D also gave important notes as follows:  

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First, Kyai Afifuddin Muhajir position in the context of strengthening the unitary state and the context of Ushul Fiqh is very important so that all of the country’s structures get a comprehensive explanation.

Other urgency is reducing unnecessary tension if there are people saying  that this country is  not Islamic so that they don’t  obey the rules. An explanation to all people that Pancasila is final for Indonesia, because the moral principles in Pancasila are Islamic and none of them conflict with Islam and are even very harmonious.

Second, the depth explanation speech from this pious scholar of Nahdlatul Ulama strengthened the Indonesian state and government in the context of Indonesian and world Islamic thought. The process is in agreement with the Indonesian citizen.

Third, Pancasila is Sharia, because it contains the precepts of God, humanity and justice, unity, deliberation or democracy and social justice. These values ​​ are very Islamic both from philosophy and fiqh perspective.

Fourth, Pancasila is not an obstacle to implement Islamic law.

Introduction and compliments were delivered  by professors from UIN Walisongo Semarang. In fact, the rector of UIN Walisongo, Prof. Dr. K.H Imam Taufiq, M.Ag said no one doubted the piety of Kyai Afifuddin Mauhajir at the national and even international level. 

Kyai Afifuddin is very knowledgeable  among Nahdiiyyin members and kyai in chief executive of Nahdlatul Ulama, and Indonesian Council of Ulama and teaches scholars about integrated concepts and he does not require them master Arabic and the Qur’an. (MMS/AL/PPS)