Accompanied during Exam

The doctoral program in Multicultural Islamic Education held two closed exams this morning, Friday, September 18, 2020. The first session was held from 07.00 a.m to 08.15a.m for Promovendus Salim, lLecturer at Universitas Raden Rahmat, Malang.

Promovendus was accompanied by one of his colleagues because he had not yet recovered from his illness. Previously, the exam was planned to be held in blind. Blind examination is known as a method to judge someone’s work without meeting that person. 

Promovendus Salim (wearing a suit. red), accompanied by one of his colleagues

The second exam was held at 08.20-10.20, for Promovendus Abdul Halim, lecturer of the Institut KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto. Abdul Halim defended his dissertation entitled, “Multicultural Perspectives on Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Mojokerto Regency”.

Promovendus Abdul Halim is taking notes from the Board of Examiners

Director of graduate program, Prof. M. Mas’ud Said, PhD, acted  as chair of the exam for both exams. Both exams were attended by 6 examiners namely  Prof. Dr. Djunaidi Ghony, Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, Prof. Dr. H. Yaqub Cikusin, M.Si, and Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Agus Sugianto, ST, MP and Prof. Dr. H. Junaidi, M.Pd alternately examined  for the first and second exams. (Nad/Al/PPS)